FRCS Success Strategies: Expert Tips and Tricks
in Medicine & Surgery
Created by
Dr. Bassem Amr
َFRCS Success Strategies: Expert Tips and Tricks
Expert Guidance for FRCS Success
Preparing for the FRCS exam can be challenging, but with the right guidance and support, you can pass the exam with confidence.
If you are a doctor or surgeon aiming to succeed in the FRCS exam, join us for an exclusive, free webinar where you'll gain Expert Guidance, Insider Tips, Personalized Advice and secrets of exam prep from top experts.
Discover tips and tricks to excel, boost your confidence, and learn from personal experiences of leading surgeons. You'll also receive practical advice to help you prepare effectively and increase your chances of FRCS success.
Our panel of distinguished surgeons will share their experiences, strategies, and advice to help you master the FRCS exam.
Your Path to FRCS Success Starts Here
Get Ready for Success
Course Highlights:
1- Exam Overview: covers structure, key components, and common pitfalls to avoid.
2- Revision Strategies: include effective study plans, essential resources, and tips for retention and recall.
3- MCQ Answering Tips.
4- Viva Techniques: strategies for confident answers and preparing for common questions
5- Exam Day Prep: focuses on staying calm, managing stress, and the importance of rest and self-care.
Date: January 12th Time: 8 PM Cairo Time
DR. Bassem Amr (Moderator)
Bariatric and UGI Consultant at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
DR. Muhammad Abdalkoddus
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at University Hospital Plymouth
DR. Mohamed Abdelrahman
Consultant Oesophago-Gastric Surgeon at University Hospitals Plymouth
Register Now and secure your spot in this exclusive webinar. Don't Miss Out on this golden opportunity to enhance your FRCS preparation.
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